

Speculation on the origins of the Corona Virus COVID-19 Accidental release from a Chinese research lab

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Is the 冠狀病毒Corona Virus COVID-19 man-made?

If so who made it and how did it get released into the population?

The answer to the second and third question may be as simple as government incompetence and corruption…two things we can always count on in China and at home.

健康巡遊者Mike Adams




Seven things support Adams’ speculations:

1. These is a bio-weapons lab in Wuhan
2. China – like all governments – “plays” with virus synthesis
3. The people who run such programs are, by definition, corrupt, disorganized and incompetent
4. The virulence of this particular virus
5. The fact that the original, and ongoing, response is a Chinese government cover up
6. The fact that the mainstream news media can’t make these obvious observations
7. The fact that the mainstream news media and Big Tech are already attacking and taking down the sites of anyone who asks these kinds of questions.



Other question that occurs to me, of course, is there any way that one can get an idea of whether this was China, the Chinese government being vice to buy their own petard with a deadly effect on their population, or was this an attack one shine We, it's impossible to trace the origin of these biological weapons, which is why they're so effective as bio weapons.

There's speculation that China originally had spies steal the original samples from a lab in Canada and then they, they tweaked it, they engineered it, they, they engineered in some SARS genes and so on to make this current bio weapon, but that cannot be confirmed that, that this was not a, a bio weapon even deployed by the United States. Some people are speculating, I don't believe this theory, but speculation that the United States actually dumped this in the region in order to frame the, the Chinese virus labs.

I, I don't believe that. And the reason I don't believe that, the reason I think this is an accidental release from the lab itself is because China has a long history of accidental releases of SARS, for example, at least for releases that are well documented. And we've cited articles in nature and the land set that, that had world virologists warning years ago, that China should not be playing with this technology because China doesn't have the structural hierarchy of society that allows low level scientists to speak out and tell the truth about what's happening.

So, and also, we know China cuts corners. We see that in every industry, manufacturing, food industry, you know, weapons, everything, they cut corners. The Chinese culture under communism is a culture of deception. And when you have that culture combined with bio weapons, you're probably going to get accidental releases into the wild.








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