

This is Dr. Dan Lee Dimke. The novel Wuhan Corona virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes COVId-19 had been declared a global health emergency by the world health organization wreaking havoc on lives and economies around the world. But this virus has an Achilles heel and exploitable vulnerability that is shared by most upper respiratory viruses and all other known Corona viruses. They are remarkably fragile, though they can survive easily for weeks or even months at temperatures near or below freezing. These viruses die within just a few minutes when exposed to higher air temperatures, the reversion to heat forces Corona viruses to live and reproduce only within the coolest parts of the body, usually inside the epithelial cells that line our inner nose and sinus cavities because these sinuses are located just behind the cheeks and nostrils and around the eye sockets. These cavities are often nearly as cool as the outside air we breathe at least during the colder months of the year.

But when outside temperatures rise, so do our sinus temperatures. Once it gets too warm in there for these viruses to reproduce, they die and quickly disappear. Numerous laboratory studies by leading virologists show that Corona virus is easily killed in less than 15 minutes, adjust 56 degrees Celsius or 133 degrees Fahrenheit. As they slowly heated the virus in the lab, scientist observed the outer viral membrane begin to rupture and within minutes it fatally collapsed, unrecognizable and in capable of causing any further infection. Mild heat application is now regularly used in the production of various medications and vaccines.

The very same process can be used with patients by simply raising their sinuses above the kill temperature. The virus dies symptoms and infectivity stop and the outbreak is over. This is remarkably easy to do without harm or risk by simply breathing in hot air. Suddenly the coolest part of the body becomes the warmest part of the body and any invading viruses almost literally melt. But what about the patient Can we survive exposure to these temperatures People are already doing this every day, all over the world. Daytime temperatures in the world's deserts routinely rise above 56 degrees Celsius or 133 degrees Fahrenheit, and millions of people walk into saunas every day. With temperatures far above this, breathing deeply for just a few minutes in any of these hot locations will kill the high percentage of any Corona virus that happens to be invading the upper respiratory system at a second or third.

Exposure about an hour apart will kill the rest, no desert or sauna available. No problem. The common widely available handheld blow dryer used for drying hair contains a heating element and a fan that instantly deliver forced hot air temperatures that will kill Corona virus even faster, much like a convection oven does, and because you can concentrate heat onto just the infected area of the body, the nose and sinuses, you can safely use this approach even if you already have a fever. This simple cold arrest procedure was first proposed in the book, conquered the common cold and flu published by future world press in 1984 since then, it's been successfully tested and used in more than 55 countries with an extremely high success rate. Here's what to do. Step one, turn the hairdryer to the lowest setting and then cup fingers over the air intake to slow the airflow and increase its output temperature.

Step two with the other hand, use a spray bottle filled with water to frequently moisten the facial surface around the nose and mouth. The flow of hot air causes the water to evaporate, keeping the face and nose cool while allowing heat to penetrate deeply into the nose and sinuses. Take slow deep breaths through the nose with a mouth closed for five minutes to minimize any discomfort. Turn the blow dryer aside in between breaths so at warm air is directed toward the face and nose only. While inhaling, the goal is to raise the inside of the nose and sinuses to the Corona virus. Kill temperature of 56 degrees Celsius or 133 degrees Fahrenheit during the entire treatment period. So use the highest temperature setting you can safely tolerate. Step three, after pausing for one hour, begin another five minute hot air treatment. If no symptoms have appeared, two heating cycles per day should be sufficient for prevention.

However, if symptoms have already developed, five of these alternating heating cooling cycles per day are recommended until symptoms disappear. If widely used the simple colder rest, hyperthermia therapy can help to hold any further spread of covert 19 it also kills most other types of common cold causing virus, so you can start using it at the very first sign of any common cold symptoms. If health care providers will teach patients the colder rest procedure and health authorities will distribute inexpensive blow dryers and spray bottles to those in quarantine or living with an infection zones who don't already have them, we may be able to prevent future Corona virus outbreaks from ever again becoming regional or international pandemics.

我是Dr. Dan Lee Dimke。這個新型的武漢病毒(Wuhan Corona virus),現在也被稱為SARS-CoV-2,它引起COVId-19的疾病已被世界衛生組織宣佈為全球衛生緊急情況,對世界各地的生命和經濟造成嚴重破壞。但是該病毒具有致命弱點和可利用的漏洞,大多數上呼吸道病毒和所有其他已知的冠狀病毒都有此漏洞。它們非常脆弱,儘管它們可以在接近或低於冰點的溫度下輕鬆存活數週甚至數月。這些病毒在暴露於較高的空氣溫度後幾分鐘內就會死亡,轉化為熱能會迫使冠狀病毒僅在人體最涼爽的部位(通常是在我們內鼻和鼻腔內襯的上皮細胞內)存活和繁殖。鼻竇位於臉頰和鼻孔後面以及眼窩周圍。至少在一年中最冷的月份中,這些空腔通常與我們呼吸的外部空氣幾乎一樣涼爽。





但是,如果已經出現症狀,建議每天進行五個交替的加熱冷卻循環,直到症狀消失。 如果廣泛使用簡單的較冷休息,熱療可以幫助保持秘密19的任何進一步傳播,它還可以殺死大多數其他類型的引起普通感冒的病毒,因此您可以在任何普通感冒症狀的第一個跡象就開始使用它。 如果醫療保健提供者將教給患者更冷的休息程序,並且衛生當局將向那些沒有隔離帶的檢疫人員或居住在感染區的人分發廉價的吹風機和噴霧瓶,我們也許可以防止日後爆發的冠狀病毒,從此不再成為區域或國際大流行病。




  科學研究表明,它可以抑制輻射引起的染色體損傷,從而降低患白血病的風險。   AND研究還顯示,服用薑黃或薑黃素補充劑可以顯著降低您的疲勞程度,進而增加您的整體精力。 薑黃素是薑黃中的天然化學物質,已知具有抗炎,抗腫瘤和強大的抗氧化劑作用。   除其他許多健康益處外,薑黃(裝有...